the no-impact project

How much plastic do you use? How much trash do you make?

How much energy does it take for you to eat your food?

How about taking a look at your habits for one week and finding out how you can better protect the earth and our resources?

I’m joining a bunch of others in a no-impact experiment to see if I can really go out of my comfort zone and not get take out for a week (that’s gonna be my hardest thing, I’m already doing a lot of other stuff which helps the earth, like being vegan, taking 2 minute showers, composting, not using napkins wherever possible, bicycling etc.)

I can’t wait to see the movie where this family sees how they can live in new york city  for a whole year doing the least amount of damage to the environment. Turns out Michelle, the wife/mama in the movie is an old friend of mine who was one of the first people to interview me for the Philadelphia Inquirer in like 1994 or something crazy.

I will be posting my blog to see how it goes. I already screwed up because day 1 was in Berlin and I had to take a long-haul flight home wasting tons of fuel. Oh well. Planet, forgive me.

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